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PAC Public Policies

The following policies have been reviewed and adopted by our governing Joint Powers Board. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a policy, please contact our Director at (307)367-2832, ext. 6245.

Youth Access to PAC During School Hours

School aged youth are allowed at PAC during school hours only when actively supervised by an adult.  Adults 19 and over are required to pay admission at all times when at PAC unless spectating an organized PAC or school activity.  The three exceptions are:

  1. If a group of home school students comes in together at a regularly scheduled time (approved by PAC in advance) with a teacher/parent overseeing the group (PAC facility use defines group as four or more persons).  In this case, we would not charge the instructor entrance (sign-in still required but no charge).   All resident youth are required to have a membership or pay for daily admission.

  2. Resident youth during a scheduled no-school day or a non-resident child visiting the area will be allowed to check-in and use the facility, as available.  Under age 8 are required to have an actively supervising responsible person, age 16+ with them.

  3. Youth, ages 16+, may access PAC during school hours with a parent/guardian request. Requests should be made for a specific time (limited to two hours per day) and will be approved for the duration of the semester term in which the request is submitted. 

All students, whether homeschooled or public, are welcome at PAC prior to school and after school hours (as established by Sublette County School District #1) unaccompanied, if 8 or older.



Patron Behavior Expectations

The Pinedale Aquatic Center (PAC) is a public facility and appropriate public behavior is the responsibility of each person. 


As a patron at PAC, individuals have the right to feel safe and free from harassment, be respected, treated fairly, and without prejudice.  Patrons shall respect themselves, others, the staff, and the facility, and display acceptable and appropriate behavior while participating at PAC and in PAC programs. Patrons are expected to follow staff directions while at the facility and while attending any sponsored events or activities. Use of the Pinedale Aquatic Center is a privilege. PAC reserves the right to refuse access or remove any individual(s) whose behavior is inappropriate or in violation of PAC rules and policies. 


Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Abuse of any kind (verbal or physical)

  • Vandalism

  • Harassment, threatening behavior, or bullying

  • Abuse or disrespect of staff in any form

  • Profane or obscene gestures, language, or actions

  • Failing to follow established policy and area rules

  • Possession or use of drugs, alcohol, nicotine products, electronic cigarettes or similar devices, or weapons on PAC premises



Patron Discipline Policy

PAC expects courteous, appropriate behavior at all times from our patrons. Disciplinary action may result from a single instance of disruption and/or from repetitive smaller behavioral infractions which require repeated reprimands.


Prevention: We are committed to creating a positive environment for our participants and will model positive behaviors, treat all with respect and kindness, be consistent with our expectations and rules, and use redirection from negative behaviors as well as positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviors. 


Progressive Discipline: If a patron is having a difficult time maintaining appropriate behaviors, staff will generally follow a progressive discipline policy that consists of verbal warning(s), written warning and additional disciplinary consequences (including expulsion/suspension) for further infractions. Depending on the severity of behaviors, steps may be skipped.


The following apply to PAC's discipline policy:

  • Actions of both the patron and staff will be documented and may be shared with the parent/guardian (if patron is under the age of 18).

  • Staff may meet with patron and/or parent/guardian to develop a behavior improvement plan.

  • If behaviors are disruptive enough or continue without improvement, PAC reserves the right to ask a patron to leave the premises and/or involve law enforcement

  • Being on SCSD#1 property, PAC reserves the right to report behavior incidents to school officials; additional consequences will be at the discretion of SCSD#1 administration. 

  • In cases that lead to suspension from premises/programs, clear expectations outlining terms of expected behavior changes required, as well as date of re-admittance, will be established. 



Public Training Policy

PAC welcomes non-staff trainers to use PAC’s facilities in training their clients. To be eligible to do so, the following criteria must be followed:

  • The trainer will sign an Instructor Access Agreement (annually).

  • The trainer will provide verification of professional liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per claim, listing PAC as additional insured.

  • The trainer will submit required paperwork and fee to complete a background check; any person who does not pass a background check will not be allowed to train clients at PAC.

  • The trainer and all clients will be required to check-in to the facility with daily admission or a PAC membership.

Facility space will be subject to availability based on other patron use. To guarantee exclusive area use, a facility rental will be required (some area restrictions apply). Facility rentals are required for groups of 4 or more and reservations can be made for no more than 4-weeks at a time. All facility rules, including area age restrictions, apply to trainers and clients.



Registered Sex Offender (RSO) Policy

Pinedale Aquatic Center is SCSD#1 property and therefore falls under the rules and regulations regarding Registered Sex Offenders and School Property WS7-19-302.


State law prohibits a registered sex offender pursuant to WS 7-19-302 who is eighteen (18) years or older from being present on school property or loitering within 1000 feet of school property when persons under the age of 18 are present, unless the offender is: 


1. A student in attendance at the school and in PAC with a school group supervised by a school official; 

2. Attending an academic conference or other scheduled extracurricular school event with school officials present or PAC event  when the registered sex offender is a parent or legal guardian of a child who is participating in the conference or extracurricular event; 

3. Dropping off or picking up a child and the registered offender is the child’s parent or legal guardian; 

4. Temporarily on school grounds during school hours for the purpose of making a mail, food or other delivery; 

5. Exercising his right to vote in a public election; 

6. Has written permission from the school principal, vice-principal, or person with equivalent authority, to be on school grounds or upon other property that is used by a school. 


“Extracurricular event” means any school sponsored activity that is outside the regular curriculum, occurring during or outside regular school hours, including academic, artistic, athletic or recreational activities. 


RSO’s are only allowed in PAC to watch an organized activity that the RSO’s child is enrolled in.  These activities may include swim meets, Junior Wrangler Basketball games (NOT practices), tournaments, or other organized activities the RSO’s child may be participating in at PAC.  RSO’s are not allowed to use PAC, alone or with others.


© 2021 - Pinedale Aquatic Center

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